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Generic A Kartell- Generic A chairs by Kartell
Generic A de Kartell- Kartell Generic A chairs - It is the imatge of a tipical cafe chairs that the europeans saved in the memory, Kartell wants to get to the whole of the world and that is the way!! Georgeus!!- Generic A chairs by Kartell with straight back and the arms as a cup of cofe, really light and perfect for outdoors- Do you want to open your oun París café at your house? Come on!!
copy of kartell, componibili, 3 drawers round
Moon bowl Kartell - Mario Bellini
Moon of Kartell it is a bowl of dimensions extra that will do of your culinary presentations the envy and delights of your gues, With dimensions extra big and fished robust, Moon bowl will bear the passage of time, of the washes and of the possible blows- Moon bowl is a design in PMMA transparent or dyed, designed by Mario Bellini in 2010 for Kartell,
Sparkle Kartell stool- container and low table
Sparkle Kartell stool- container and low table Transparent stool - container deisgned by Tokujin Yoshioka in 2014, Made by transparent PMMA, The structure does that the light expands
Sparkle Kartell low table- container
Sparkle Kartell low table- container Transparent low table deisgned by Tokujin Yoshioka in 2014, Made by transparent PMMA, The structure does that the light expands