objetos decoracion
Moon bowl Kartell - Mario Bellini
Moon of Kartell it is a bowl of dimensions extra that will do of your culinary presentations the envy and delights of your gues, With dimensions extra big and fished robust, Moon bowl will bear the passage of time, of the washes and of the possible blows- Moon bowl is a design in PMMA transparent or dyed, designed by Mario Bellini in 2010 for Kartell,
François Ghost- Kartell, Mirror
Françoise Ghost by Kartell Philippe Starck designer in 2005 , measures 65 x 79 cm Mirror with different colors and sizes ( you can find other sizes and colors in our online shop) Mirror with the policarbonate transparent or coloured frame with paste You can fix it horizontal or vertical
Kartell, dishes, Jelly, fashion, household
Kartell have dishes designed by Patricia Urquiola in 2012 , the name Jelly. Jelly are fashion dishes in differents colors in PMMA and is for inside and outside use. Dishes household
kartell, componibili, 3 drawers round
perchero mural
Piano Piano Pink rug, Vondom rugs
Rug designed by Teresa Sapey for the Vondom furniture firm.